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Most Difficult Zodiac Sign to Understand and Settle Down With

Freedom-Orientated Signs
��� Sagittarius
Sagittarius is one of the most difficult Zodiac signs to understand and settle down with.

Sagittarius is one of the most difficult Zodiac signs to understand and settle down with. It���s like trying to catch a footloose archer. The Sagittarius people have an insatiable compulsion to keep moving. They are fun to be around but dislike domestic captivity and are averse to commitment. This is especially so if they feel like they are sacrificing too much of their freedom.

��� Gemini, Aquarius and Aries

You will face the same problems with other free spirited zodiac signs such as Gemini, Aries and Aquarius. People who fall into these 3 stars often demand to do as they please without interference or criticism even when they are in a committed relationship. If you come off as possessive, you can be sure they���ll run for the hills. To date one of these stars, you need to overcome jealousy and allow them their freedom.

Always On-the-Looking Signs

Commitment phobia is not only brought about by the need to be free. It can also be the result of being too idealistic. Virgos and Pisces are often too picky and hard to please. They keep questioning whether there could be someone else for them who is better than you are. Do not try to jump through hoops to prove to them that you���re the one. Be yourself and they���ll realize that you���re the best for them on their own.

���The Most Hesitant Sign

Another most difficult zodiac sign to understand is Libra . Libras are generally indecisive and will take a very long time to decide whether or not they want to be in a committed relationship. Regrettably, you have to let them weigh their options and eventually make the decision. If you try to rush them into a decision, you run the risk of putting them off completely. Once they have made a decision, it is usually hard for them to opt out.

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