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How to Write Paragraphs on Snapchat

Install and open a text editor
If your smartphone does not have one already, you can get a text editor from the app store.

If your smartphone does not have one already, you can get a text editor from the app store. Anything like Apple���s Native Notes or Evernote will do just fine. Bear in mind that you cannot directly type into Snapchat���s text box so you will need another interface where you can add new lines and spaces. Alternatively, if you already have and/or use any of these applications, you may skip this step. Even your email would work; essentially any interface that lets you add lines and spaces will do.

Add new lines

This is where the magic happens so pay close attention. Use the ���enter��� or new line button on your phone���s virtual keyboard to add the number of lines you want. You can add any number of lines as required because it is this space that will be used for your Snapchat text. Once you have completed doing that, select the entire space and copy it onto your clipboard. Be careful to not type any text in this space as Snapchat would count that into the character limit.

On to your snap

Simply paste the selected portion inside the text box of your Snapchat. When you paste it, you will see the large empty space highlighted. You can now type long messages and say a whole lot more. People who know how to type more on Snapchat have a massive edge and are more popular than others who don���t because they can express a lot more with their posts.


In case you have selected more space than you needed, you can simply use the delete or the backspace button to remove them. If you end up deleting too much by mistake, you can always paste the spaces that were stored on your clipboard in step 2. Simple!

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