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US most expensive place to give birth: study

US most expensive place to give birth: study
The US is the most expensive place in the world for women to give birth.

Most women in high income countries deliver their babies in hospital, regardless of whether they have low or high-risk pregnancies, the report said. The report noted that while hospitals were well set up to cater towards high-risk women, they were not always optimal for low-risk mums-to-be who were subjected to more interventions, such as caesarean sections and inductions of labour, than was necessary for most. As a result, maternity care costs can escalate and some mums and newborns can face complications. ‘Cost increases over time are largely attributed to use of interventions,’ the report said. Also read: 8 things no one tells you about a C-section delivery

Source: IANS

Image source: Shutterstock

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