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Why Does Your Puppy Want to Bite?

Puppies are just like little children.

Puppies are just like little children. Raising them up to well-groomed companions requires understanding, tolerating and reprimanding them whenever necessary. Puppies usually first start developing the habit of biting during the ���teething��� period. As pups start growing teeth, it causes a niggling sensation in them that results in torn bedsheets and ripped sofa cushions. Biting is a completely natural process and you shouldn���t try to resist it too much. All you want to do is gradually make your dog realize that biting is wrong! Understanding them is key to knowing how to stop puppy from biting. A puppy doesn���t know its own strength, much like a small human child. So, it does not realize how hard it should bite, which is why its initial nips may hurt.

Usually, your pup just has playful intentions. It just doesn���t know what it means to play. So it is up to you to teach it right and wrong through your reactions. When the pup sees that you don���t appreciate being bitten (this can be achieved by ignoring your puppy for 20 minutes and letting out a yelp every time it bites hard), it will change its behaviour to suit the need. As you start gently ���scolding��� it for biting, the puppy learns to connect biting with your telling-off and ceases to do it further.

A puppy would also bite if it feels threatened or startled so avoid putting into such positions. Treat it with care and patience instead of getting aggressive. Aggression while training generally isn���t a very smart idea. Your pup might grow irritated and snappy; two traits that really don���t suit a dog! The key to stop puppy from biting lies in how you convey to him that biting is wrong, as we will show in the next section.

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