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Flow Chart: My Guest Posting Strategy for Mass Subscribers

In the last six months I have had guest posts on Copyblogger , Problogger , Smart Passive Income and much more .

guest posting strategy

. A few of them have gone viral. Almost all of them have caused me to get a massive influx of traffic and sometimes up to 400 new subscribers in a single day .

Magic huh?

Well, not really. It was just a little bit of strategy and a lot of long-term relationship building. So for all of you who want more information on how I did it I have created a graphical flow chart to give you a basic plan. This flow chart is an extension of what I talked about on Problogger here.

It is my guest posting strategy for 2010 and 2011 .

How the strategy works

Now, the graphic is not an exhaustive list of everything that you should do. I purposely left some areas a little bit thin because I want to encourage you to share ideas in the comments section of this post. That being said, the strategy basically involves:

Creating an excellent free eBook and an eBook coverto represent something solid Creating a lengthy guest post about a topic in that eBook Mentioning A-List bloggers and contacts in that guest post Emailing those bloggers to let them know about your shout out Writing a follow up pillar articleon your blog for your new post guest post subscribers Pitching new guest posts to those you mentioned in the original guest post Etc.

In the post I talk about the intervals I use and the days of the week I think work best to do all of this on.

How did your guest posts perform?

Once you have had a look at the graphic I would love to hear about your guest post performances . Did you do anything in the graphic well? Did it work for you? I’d be really interested to hear whether you would add any major features to the idea. Please leave me a comment.

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