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Antibiotics can prevent the relapse of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Antibiotics can prevent the relapse of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Only antibiotics can cure and prevent the relapse of infertility caused by Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases (PID), say experts.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection that can affect the uterus (womb), ovaries and fallopian tubes. If PID goes untreated, it can lead to blockages or ‘adhesions’, during which the tissues become stuck together and cause fertility problems if it happens around the fallopian tubes. According to the doctors, PID usually leaves scarring in the fallopian tubes, which can interfere with the egg travelling to the uterus. ‘This can result in the sperm not being able to reach the egg or the egg fertilizing in the tube causing an ectopic pregnancy. As a result of the damage and complications, the risk of infertility continues to increase with the number of episodes,’ said Nagadeepti Naik, a Nagpur based IVF expert. Explaining the procedure of antibiotics for the patients, Naik said: ‘Usually antibiotics have to be taken for 14 days, sometimes beginning with a single antibiotic injection.’ ‘Its very important to complete the entire course of antibiotics, even if the patient is feeling better, to help ensure the infection is properly cleared. In particularly severe cases of PID, the patient may have to be admitted to hospital to receive antibiotics through a drip in the arm (intravenously),’ said Naik. According to the experts, in cases where PID is caused due to TB, patients have endometrial tuberculosis which again causes infertility. It is even responsible for cessation of menstruation. Here are things that can lower your sperm count and lead to infertility.

Source: IANS

Image source: Getty images

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