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Should I Stop Smoking Weed?

Of course, you should quit smoking weed.

Of course, you should quit smoking weed. Weed affects most of the organs in your body and your immune and nervous systems. Your body absorbs THC immediately after you smoke the drug. You start experiencing its negative effects immediately. The side effects discussed below are enough to persuade you to quit smoking the drug.

Physical Side Effects

Your heart rate can increase by 2-3 times after smoking weed. This effect causes a heart attack in some smokers. The drug affects your blood sugar level, lowers your blood pressure, and increases bleeding. Smoking weed irritates the lungs and causes lung-related complications such as a persistent cough, lung infections, and chest colds.

Additional physical effects include a dry mouth, dizziness, a delayed reaction time, dilated pupils, red eyes, shallow breathing, and an increase in appetite. Withdrawing from the drug causes sleeplessness, cravings, loss of appetite, and irritability.

Mental Side Effects

Why should I stop smoking weed if it makes me feel so relaxed and happy? Because smoking weed can have negative effects on your mind and mood that include depression, temporal memory loss, anxiety, random thoughts, paranoia, and losing your sense of time.

Potential Severe Risks

About 10% of the people who use marijuana get addicted. It may also be a gateway drug to other harder drugs such as heroin and cocaine. The THC content in marijuana leaves has increased from 1-4% to 7%. The increase in THC concentration increases the risk of addiction and strengthens its mental side effects. What's more, it is difficult to estimate the amount of THC and other compounds in marijuana even if you buy the drug from a state-authorized store. Hence, the effects of the drug are unpredictable.

Smoking marijuana causes additional health complications if you are suffering from diabetes, low blood pressure, and liver disease. Marijuana lowers the sperm count and quality and testosterone levels in men, which affects their fertility and libido. Other potential effects of marijuana include short-term psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and schizophrenia.

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