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Survey finds that men are aggressive and women are self-conscious on dating sites

Survey finds that men are aggressive and women are self-conscious on dating sites
While chatting with potential partners on dating websites, men become aggressive and women are self-conscious of their attractiveness, according to a research.

Also, women have much greater chances of getting responses from users whom they message, said the paper published in the journal Social Network Analysis and Mining. For the study, the international team of researchers collected data from Baihe, one of the largest dating websites in China, to reveal behavioural differences between male and female users when it comes to contacting potential partners. They also developed a reciprocal recommendation system that better matches users who are mutually interested in and likely to communicate with each other. (Read: Men, here’s why you should avoid online dating)

Source: IANS

Photo source: Shutterstock (Image for representational purpose only)

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