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Want to make your marriage work? Get some sleep

Want to make your marriage work?

A new study has found that a good night's sleep can help alleviate the effects of negative events in the lives of couples and increase satisfaction with their marriages.

The first set measured overall relationship satisfaction, asking husbands and wives to respond to questions such as, ‘How satisfied were you with your marriage today?’ The other set focused on relationship experiences in nine areas including chores, the amount of time spent together and conflict resolution. Husbands especially were less negatively affected by bad experiences in those nine areas when they got more sleep, showed the findings published in the Journal of Family Psychology . That is, sleep buffered the effects of specific negative events and evaluations on their broader, more general satisfaction with their marriages, the study said. The findings highlight the significance of sleep as it relates to self-regulation or self-control, which influences how married couples feel and think about their partner. Self-control requires energy that can be replenished when our bodies are in the resting period known as sleep. In other words, sleep offers self-regulatory benefits to relationships. ‘Up to one-third of married or cohabiting adults report that sleep problems burden their relationship,’ the researchers wrote in the paper. (Read: 5 habits of successful couples)

Source: IANS

Photo source: Getty images (Image for representational purpose only)

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