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Caving to Public Pressure: Big Food Brand Campbell ‘Moving to GMO-Free, Organic’

Caving to Public Pressure: Big Food Brand Campbell ‘Moving to GMO-Free, Organic’
While continually fighting GMO labeling...
“Campbell’s will be launching several lines of organic kid’s soups, and removing MSG from all their kid’s soups.


In a recent press release, Campbell’s made several major announcementsabout improving the sustainability of its foods, including an aim to offer more non-GMO and organic foods.

“Campbell’s will be launching several lines of organic kid’s soups, and removing MSG from all their kid’s soups.  In August 2015, the company will introduce Campbell’s Organic soup for kids in three chicken noodle varieties.  The soups will be non-GMO and certified Organic.

Pepperidge Farm will be launching several organic wheat versions of their popular Goldfish Crackers.  Look for organic wheat versions of regular, cheddar, and parmesan in the coming year.  They still need to remove GMOs and go completely organic with the rest of their ingredients.

Increasing organics across other food lines, and increasing the number of organic products offered by Plum.”

This is great news , that a major food brand is willing to finally answer the plea of millions of Americans for organic and non-GMO food. But it seems a little late and a bit odd considering that the major company has opposed GMO labeling with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Two years ago, Campbell’s contributed over $265,000 to halt GMO labelingwith Initiative 522 in Washington State.

Additionally, according to Just Label It and Truth Out, Campbell’s Soup, along with companies like General Mills, Pepsi, and Coca-Cola, spent millions of dollarsto defeat labeling with the GMA in California as well.

Though it’s a huge win to see a big label like Campbell’s cave to public pressure , is the company going to be like Kellogg’s and lie to the public about GMOsbeing in their food? Only time will tell, but I’m not planning on buying anything from the company until all of their food is non-GMO verified by an independent lab.

About Christina Sarich:
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Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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