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China Still Evaluating Syngenta’s GMO MIR162 Corn Before Approval

China Still Evaluating Syngenta’s GMO MIR162 Corn Before Approval
Syngenta may be waiting a long time to export its toxic GMO MIR162 corn to China.

cornSyngenta may be waiting a long time to export its toxic GMO MIR162 corn to China. The sovereign state has still not approved the genetically modified strain which has been turned away in large volumes from Chinese ports since last November.

The country’s agricultural minister and its biosafety committee is still evaluating materialssent to them by Syngenta. MIR corn has been planted across the US in more than 3% of our acreage and has also been planted in Brazil and Argentia. Fortunately, the Chinese government requires trials to be conducted within their country and under specific conditions.

“China has still not approved a genetically modified strain of corn known as MIR162, which has been turned away in large volumes from Chinese ports since November, the country’s agriculture ministry said on Friday.”

There are application windows, which if missed, can cause a GMO trait’s approval to take up to three years, also due to the crops’ growing season. So, while the good people over at Syngenta are holding their breath to grow more of their transgenic poison, hopefully more studies can be submitted to the Chinese government to convince them not to allow Syngenta and other biotech companies permission to plant. The EU has already granted permission to plant this crop, under influence of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

MIR 162 corn contains a Bt protein, more accurately called a Bt toxin, that is toxic to corn pests like earworm, armyworm, cutworm, and corn borer. Bt toxins in GMOs have also been linked to Leukemiain a recent groundbreaking study published inthe Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases.

In yet another study, Cry1 toxins, or Bt toxins, were found to be toxic to the blood of mice. Furthermore, Bt toxins bind to the mammalian small intestine and have major effects on its proper functioning.

China has already burned multiple U.S. shipments of GMO corn and refused about 900,000 tonnes of GMO corn, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see an official refusal of Syngenta’s corn. Surely China’s agricultural minister and its biosafety committee will consider these and other studies proving their Bt toxins are unsafe, and refuse Syngenta’s poison crop.

About Christina Sarich:
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Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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