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These 5 Foods Could Be Making You Fat

These 5 Foods Could Be Making You Fat
#5 is Essential for Optimal Health
Are your ‘healthy’ food choices actually making you fat and going against your entire diet and exercise regimen?


Are your ‘healthy’ food choices actually making you fat and going against your entire diet and exercise regimen? Chances are, you may unknowingly be consuming a number of food items that should in fact be on your ‘food hazard’ list.

Looking at the research and the opinions of top nutrition experts, here are the 5 foods that are making people fat (and no one probably even knows they’re eating them):

1. Foods with the Popular Plastic Chemical BPA


While not technically a ‘food’, you are most likely taking in the plastic chemical known as bisphenol-A as if it were a staple food in your diet. This chemical, found in numerous items which I will list for you, disrupts what’s known as your body’s endocrine system — which encompasses key biological systems like your pineal gland and reproductive glands.

Numerous studies have connected BPA exposure with everything from obesity to cancer. One study out ofNYU School of Medicine analyzed 2,938 young people, and found that the most obese individuals also had the highest concentrations of BPA in their urine. Only 10% of the obese children actually had lower BPA levels. Plastic water bottles The inner lining of canned foods Paper money Receipts that you touch
2. The New ‘Secret’ High-Fructose Corn Syrup OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Image from endthelie.com.

Watch out for deceptive corporate food labeling tactics. When you’re not buying from a trustworthy company that has certified organic and high quality ingredients, you always run the risk of consuming what I would call ‘food land mines.’

This is the case with the infamous high-fructose corn syrup, which was recently ‘renamed’ and ‘rebranded’by mega food corporations and corn organizations to trick you into eating it again.

According to the Corn Refiners Association (CRA), the term ‘fructose’ is now being used to denote a product that was previously known as HFCS-90 (the original high-fructose corn syrup). Meaning it is 90 percent pure fructose. Compare this to what is termed ‘regular’ HFCS, which contains either 42 or 55 percent fructose, and you will know why they are so eager to keep you in the dark.
3. Flavor Enhancers


A major player when eating out, and notorious for being extremely pervasive at Chinese food restaurants, flavor enhancers like MSG can add some serious salty flavor to your dish. They will also add detrimental visceral (stomach) fat onto your body with ease, and trigger some concerning reactions in your brain.

A study by theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed MSG led to animal obesity but also applied to human subjects.

“We found that prevalence of overweight was significantly higher in MSG users than in non-users,” said Ka He, MD, assistant professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the UNC School of Public Health. “We saw this risk even when we controlled for physical activity, total calorie intake and other possible explanations for the difference in body mass. The positive associations between MSG intake and overweight were consistent with data from animal studies.”

4. Antibiotics in Your Meat and Dairy


Have you seen some of the latest whistleblower footage exposing the extremely disturbing practices deep inside some of the largest factory farm compounds? Topping the list of how these animals are treated so poorly is the mega dosing of antibiotics, which are given to many animals no matter what.

From the cows that provide milk or meat, to the chickens that end up on your dinner table — you are ultimately consuming these antibiotics in your diet. As a result, your ‘good bacteria’ (probiotic) bacteria is suffering. When your gut bacteria balance gets out of whack, such as when the bad bacteria outweighs the good, sickness and obesityoccurs.

5. Your Water


Are you drinking tap water? How about tap water in a major US city? You’re more than likely drinking in a host of heavy metals, pharmaceutical drugs, and even viruses. Antibiotics residue is likely being consumed with each gulp, and if you’re drinking tap water from a plastic container, then you are also exposing yourself to BPA (item #1).

Drinking tap water may not necessarily be the cause of one’s weight gain, but it certainly isn’t helping like it should be.

Drop the tap water and opt for a reverse osmosis water filtration system or purified water that has gone through that process. As always, remember that R/O filters also remove some necessary minerals from the water so it’s important to add a small amount of Himalayan sea salt or apple cider vinegar to regain them. If available, natural spring water that has been tested for purity is even better.

Don’t let these hidden food land mines hinder your fat loss journey. Instead, eliminate and substitute them for powerful weight loss foods.

About Anthony Gucciardi:
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Anthony is a natural health and human empowerment writer, speaker, and entrepreneur whose writings have appeared in #1 USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling books and top 100 websites. After overcoming Lyme Disease and nerve-related facial paralysis, Anthony's work now reaches several million readers per month through his highly prolific group of social media pages and websites. Focused on self-development techniques and living a healthy lifestyle, Anthony currently sits on the Advisory Board to Natural Society in addition to managing and directing several other companies dedicated to enhancing social good. Anthony's work routinely appears on both alternative and established websites and television programs alike, including Drudge Report, Thom Hartmann, Simple Reminders, RT, Infowars, Michael Savage, Gaiam TV, and many others.

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