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Anthony Gucciardi Donates 20,000 Meals to US Food Banks

Anthony Gucciardi Donates 20,000 Meals to US Food Banks
20,000 meals to food banks and those in need throughout the country
In an effort to provide meals to those who need it during the most trying months of the year, NaturalSociety Founding Director Anthony Gucciardi is donating over 20,000 meals to those who need it most through a wide network of United States food banks .


Working with the highly rated charity Feeding America in order to source tens of thousands of meals to the homeless and other individuals who cannot afford to feed themselves and their family, Anthony Gucciardi has announced the donation publicly in order to encourage others to give in their own areas and internationally.

“When we launch a public campaign of giving, it’s meant to inspire you to do the same. It’s meant to encourage you to take your left over food that you probably won’t eat later anyway, and to save it for someone who needs it outside on the streets. It’s meant to encourage you to donate those old cans of food that you stare it every day in your pantry to a local food bank that you know is reliable.

Behind the scenes, I am always working with non-profits on a variety of issues, and I’ve seen first hand how much a small amount of effort helps. This year, I want these 20,000 meals to inspire you to make an effort of your own. Let’s make 2015 a year that we’re proud of — at least on a personal and individual level,” Anthony wrote regarding his donation.

feeding-america-food-donations-anthony-gucciardi One of the food banks that Feeding America has helped supply thousands of meals.

Feeding America is a United States-based non-profit organization that is a nationwide network of food banks that feeds more that 37 million people through food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters in communities across America and leads the nation in the fight against hunger.


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