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Part 1

Taking a test
Dreaming of taking a test conveys of having a lack of self-confidence and being unprepared of upcoming challenges in your life.


Partner cheating on you

Literally, it does not mean that your partner is really cheating on you but rather it simply signifies that you lack attention from your partner. You���re just being paranoid.



It represents freedom and you are leading ahead of a situations. If you are flying out of control then you are having trouble in finding your destiny.



Positive changes and good outcome in your life is probably what it means. And dreaming of almost dying means fear of failure. It may also signify an ending of an old habit.



Dreaming of spider symbolizes manipulation and power. It���s either you are being manipulated or you are manipulating someone.


Naked in Public

Dreaming of being naked in public simply means being unprepared of something. You are afraid of showing your feelings, afraid to be judge by others.


Being chased

Apparently being chased in your dream implies that you are running away from your problems and avoiding to deal with any issues that may appear in your life.


Losing your teeth

When you dream about losing a teeth, it means you have insecurities. Sometimes it also signifies death of someone you know.


Being lost

Being lost in a dream, means you are  afraid to be out of place in some situations and in reality you were not sure of what path to take. The feeling of confusion and disappointment is present in this dream.



Falling symbolizes failure or weakness in some situation. Also, it suggests some disappointments and inability to hit the goals in your life, job or even towards relationships.

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