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Part 1

Janet Jackson
It is only fitting that we lead off with one of pops great voices, Janet Jackson.

It is only fitting that we lead off with one of pops great voices, Janet Jackson. Janet was one of the first people to really blow up due to her wardrobe malfunction. The reason? It happened live, on air, during the Super Bowl halftime show. There is arguably no worse time for a malfunction to happen then at that moment. Yet it did. It was back in 2004 and Jackson was performing alongside Justin Timberlake. Justin was supposed to pull part of Jackson���s costume open but he grabbed too much and Jackson was exposed to the world. CBS, which carried the Super Bowl that year, was fined a record breaking $550,000 dollars. they would later appeal the huge fine in 2011. Janet Jackson has not been back for a half time show since then.


Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey is known around the world for her larger than life voice and for how well she���s aged in a business that throws you out when a wrinkle first appears. The New York born singer broke into the music biz back in 1990 and she quickly went multi-platinum. Since then she���s had her hands on producing, acting, and writing all while recording her own chart toppers. So it seems unfair to think that people are judging the woman for flashing a little bit of extra skin during a Good Morning America performance, yet here we are. The brunette singer was helpless live on camera when her dress didn���t stay together.


Tara Reid

Tara Reid is the ultimate ���B Movie��� actress thanks to her work on such hot films as ���Sharknado��� and ���Sharknado 2���. But there was a time when the gorgeous actress was considerably higher in clout and it was during this time that the New Jersey native had what some would consider the worst wardrobe malfunction of all time. Reid was walking the red carpet when a strap from her dress seemingly came off of her shoulder. With breasts bare to the world the blonde actress kept walking and waving, unaware as to why she was suddenly getting so many pictures. After a seemingly impossibly long time someone told the woman that she was exposed and she quickly covered up.


Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway is one of the most well respected actresses in all of Hollywood and it is a position that she has earned through years of hard work and dedication. Hathaway earned critical acclaim for her work in films like ���Les Miserables��� and ���The Devil Wears Prada��� but those films were the last thing on viewers minds when Hathaway got out of her limo at the ���Les Miserables��� premiere. The beautiful actress had apparently forgotten to wear any undergarments and her dress had gotten caught when she was getting out of the limo. Flashing everyone, Hathaway managed to cover up quickly but photographers had already gotten their shot. Anne didn���t let the moment define her and she went on to win an award later that night.


Tina Fey

Tina Fey is probably one of the funniest women in Hollywood thanks to her work on ���Saturday Night Live��� as well as the hit sitcom, ���30 Rock���. The former work launched her career and the latter turned her into a superstar. ���30 Rock��� had a recurring joke that Tina Fey���s character was actually unattractive when on camera. That certainly isn���t the case in real life and when the star went to accept her Emmy for ���30 Rock��� she gave the world an unintentional show. In a tight blue dress Fey was seemingly unaware that she was flashing off a little more than she anticipated of her chest. The moment quickly went viral but Fey didn���t let it get to her. When she went back to ���SNL��� for an appearance she took the chance to make fun of her own flesh showing slip up.


Emma Watson

Right now there is only one British Princess that we are interested in, and that is Emma Watson as she takes on the role of ���Belle��� in the upcoming ���Beauty and the Beast��� adaptation. Before that Emma became a star for her work in ���Harry Potter��� and ���Perks of Being a Wallflower���. Oh, yeah, she also grew into one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood in real time as the ���Harry Potter��� franchise plunged on. So it was a bit like a dream come true for the pervy inclined when Watson���s sheer pink dress showed a little bit too much of her chest during a red carpet walk in Los Angeles. The actress had been walking the carpet unaware that her dress had shifted, revealing far more than she had probably intended.


Katherine Heigl

Katherine Heigl became the girl that every guy wanted after starring in the hit Apatow comedy, ���Knocked up��� alongside Seth Rogen. Back in 2010, when she was still really big off of the film, Heigl was at ShoWest in order to accept the Female Star of the Year Award. Things didn���t go as planned for Heigl as her beautiful red gown���s strap busted, exposing herself to the crowd. Billy Bush, host of the event, stood behind the flustered actress and held her dress in place while she gamely plunged on with her speech. The two shared a laugh and it seems that Heigl avoided disaster thanks to Bush���s quick thinking.


Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is one of the most divisive pop stars in the world thanks to her brash style and willingness to take risks with her music. Gaga rose to fame in 2008 with her chart topping pop classics ���Poekr Face��� and then ���Bad Romance���. Gaga sits in a precarious position for most men thanks to her attire. It���s hard to find her classically beautiful when she goes on stage wearing a garbage bag, but she still has a rocking body. And she���s shown it off on accident before. On stage for a show, Gaga danced her way out of a dress and flashed the whole crowd. She didn���t let it get to her and kept dancing right through.


Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj isn���t just one of the most talented female rappers in the modern age of hip hop, she is also a gorgeous young woman. The Queens native wasted no time seizing her fame when she released a string of successful mix tapes back in 2007 through 2009. ���Super Bass��� exploded on the radio in 2010 and the rest is history. Between her acting, hosting, and singing career Minaj has found time to have a few wardrobe malfunctions of her own. At the VMA���s, one of the biggest stages for Minaj, the singer managed to dance out of her top. We blame her electric stage presence for the flash of flesh.

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