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Fitness plan day 257 – Plan to build muscle mass

Fitness plan day 257 – Plan to build muscle mass
Build lean muscle mass to stay fit!

Morning – Begin your day with a handful of almonds that are soaked overnight in water. You can place them at your bedside table so you can have them early morning. After this, get ready for 10-15 minutes of morning stretchesif you are not up for a complete workout.

Breakfast – Being rich in proteins, eggs help preserve muscle mass. Hence, incorpotating eggs in breakfast is ideal. Skip the fried variety and go for poached eggswith multigrain bread.

Lunch – If you are a rice lover, consume it during lunch instead of dinner. Also, regular rice must be replaced with brown rice if you plan to lose weight. Here’s an interesting recipe with a low glycaemic index – the hara masala brown rice pulao. You can accompany it with curd or raita.

Snacks – A healthy seed mix can make a simple yet filling snack for the evening. You can keep a mix of pumpkin, watermelon and flaxseeds in a small box in your bag if you are at work. These seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and also up your protein intake.

Dinner – Enjoy a comforting and delicious protein-rich buckwheat and sprouts khichdi. It’s a one dish complete meal and light on the stomach. It’s simple to make and is ideal for days when you are not in a mood for cooking an elaborate meal.


At home – High impact cardio can make you lose muscle mass. Since we want ot build lean muscle mass, you need to start with light cardio exercises. Moving to strength training like kettleball moves is also a good idea. Try these 4 kettleball moves to transform your body.

Yoga – Yoga can also help you build lean muscle mass. You can practice the Purvottanasanaor the Ardha chandrasanato improve balance and strengthen your muscles. Be careful while performing these if it’s your first time.

At the gym – Opt for strength training exercises at the gym too since they will help develop muscle mass. You can try plyometric movesand choose to use weights while performing those. Avoid taking long breaks between sets and improve the speed of repetitions.

Sleep well tip – Get good sleep at night. These exercises demand that your body rests well so that the body can work in building muscles. Switch off all gadgets and read a book or listen to soft music at bedtime for peaceful sleep.

Fitness plan day 256

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Disclaimer: If you follow a fitness plan already, consult your nutritionist before switching to this one. If you are allergic to any of the foods/ingredients mentioned, please do not consume it. Do not follow this plan without consulting your doctor if you suffer from a health condition — hypertension, hypotension, diabetes, etc. or are pregnant.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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