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Talk: We Are Achieving Victory Over Monsanto and GMOs

Talk: We Are Achieving Victory Over Monsanto and GMOs
Anthony Gucciardi talks solutions at March Against Monsanto
The reality is clear: we are achieving major victories against Monsanto and genetically modified creations at large.


The reality is clear: we are achieving major victories against Monsanto and genetically modified creations at large. In my latest speech at March Against Monsanto 2015, I detail the numerous ways in which we are finally taking down the GMO juggernaut thanks to activism and passion.

The worldwide March Against Monsanto campaignthat launched yesterday led to a massive number of concerned individuals to take to the streets, and several million more spread the word on social media and independent news. I was excited to speak about GMO solutions at this year’s event in Austin, Texas, where dedicated crowds gathered amid a growing thunderstorm and a sweat-inducing heat in order to share their opposition to Monsanto.

Just years ago, the keyword “GMOs” or “genetically modified” was foreign to most of the U.S. population. It was a food development that had largely gone unreported by the mainstream media, all while being absolutely ubiquitous in our food supply. I remember writing on the subject as far back as 2007, when I was met with claims of being ‘crazy’ and a ‘conspiracy’ theorist for even questioning their long-term safety. Now, with leading doctors, geneticists, and other experts admitting that Monsanto’s creations like Roundup are in factcausing cancer, millions have been informed about the reality of the Monsanto Company.

After years of vital activism targeted at exposing biotechnology giants like Monsanto and fighting for total food transparency, we now have millions of individuals fighting for natural, organic foods every day. In fact, organic is booming so muchthat the U.S. is being forced to import organic crops to meet demands.

This is a huge deal.

The number of GMO labeling initiatives being presented in each state grows each and every year, once again showcasing the collective desire to know what’s in our food. Though these bills are often shot down due to the tens of millions spent on pro-GMO campaigns by Monsanto and large corporations, it isn’t stopping us from taking a stand.

Today, we are seeing a record number of people physically showing their support for food freedom at events like March Against Monsanto. With the latest attendance records shattering previous numbers, thousands of grassroots supporters have launched local events in cities that range from Bordeaux, France to Göteborg, Sweden .

Spanning 6 continents, 48 countries, and 421 cities, March Against Monsanto 2015 has generated mass awareness and interest as world regulatory organizations openly declare Monsanto’s glyphosate-containing Roundup herbicide to be a serious threat to health. The leading authority on human wellness protocols, The World Health Organization, has already determined Monsanto’s Roundup to be a ‘probable carcinogen’ within the food supply.

This was a HUGE, recent blow to Monsanto.

Even though it was storming here in Austin, Texas, that didn’t stop an amazing turnout for the event. Not even rain, thunder, nor lightning can stop the people from fighting for what they truly believe in.

People the world over are now aware of Monsanto’s record for agricultural despoliation and environmental destruction. The community of nations is now awakening to the fact that, given their own way, Monsanto would attempt to control the agricultural production of the planet.

Even if this could be accomplished by proxies and surrogates, as it has been within the USA through BIG AGRA, Monsanto has telegraphed their intentions to national governments and international organizations everywhere.

“People are fed up. We should break up Monsanto,” Adam Eidinger of Occupy Monsanto told RT. “Monsanto is a monopoly, and it’s acting like one. It’s basically controlling 90 percent of the seed market in the United States. We wouldn’t let one cell phone company control 90 percent of the cell phones. But for some reason we let food be controlled.”

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