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10 Easy Monsanto-Free Tips to Get Rid of Weeds

10 Easy Monsanto-Free Tips to Get Rid of Weeds
With the invasion of unstoppable superweeds, primarily fueled through the use of Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicide and other pesticides, it is becoming more important than ever to discover and utilize alternatives for weed-destruction.

gardening weedsWith the invasion of unstoppable superweeds, primarily fueled through the use of Monsanto’s RoundUp herbicide and other pesticides, it is becoming more important than ever to discover and utilize alternatives for weed-destruction. Chemical companies such as Dow are trying to come out with their own chemical-alternatives to RoundUp, such as their Enlist Duo, but the answer to this issue is the antithesis of expanding chemical use. We need to use pesticide- and Monsanto-free ways to rid our gardens and crops of weeds, or more chemicals will be sprayed.

It’s time to boycott Monsanto and their biggest selling weed killer, RoundUp. Over 948 million pounds of pesticides and herbicides are used annually in the U.S. alone, and carcinogenic RoundUp chemicals make up a large portion of that. For every pound of pesticide, herbicide, and other toxic chemicals we choose not to use, we are getting a little closer to defeating Monsanto.

Here are 10 easy ways to boycott Monsanto’s RoundUp chemicals and fight weeds in a sustainable way:

1. Boil some water and pour it on the weeds you don’t want in your garden. 2. Pay your kids or a neighbor 5 cents a weed to pull them up for you. A little elbow grease goes a long way. 3. Make a non-toxic weed killer . Combine 1 part vinegar, a tablespoon of non-toxic dish washing soap, and 1 part water for a green-friendly, non-toxic herbicide. 4. Use rock salt along garden paths and sidewalks . You don’t need any RoundUp to kill those pesky weeds that grow up between sidewalk cracks and along rock or wood garden borders. Simply get some rock salt– the same stuff they use to salt the roads in inclement weather – and sprinkle onto the areas you don’t want to see weeds. 5. Use borders . Not only does a well-framed garden look lovely, it also contains weed growth. You can use recycled non-treated wood, found objects, rocks, and more to create a border that keeps weeds tame, and desirable plants gorgeous. 6. Outnumber weeds with desirable plants . If you grow something edible, beautiful, or medicinal in every square inch of your garden, then weeds will have no where to grow. A well-stocked garden has fewer weeds than ones with a sparse footprint. 7. Use a weed torch . They are quite effective – and while you are at it – why not burn some cross-pollinated GMO seed crops! The National Garden Associationexplains that heat kills weeds very easily. 8. Keep them . Some ‘weeds’ are edible, like dandelion greens, purslane, alfalfa, burdock, catnip, chickweed, and more. Many of these plants are actually quite medicinal and have cancer-treating properties as well. 9. Use wood chips , preferably of cedar, around your precious vegetables and flowers. They are naturally pest-resistant and keep weeds from growing near your plants. Cedar chips also help the soil retain moisture, so you can expect healthier plants. If you’ve never used cedar before, you can learn how, here. 10. Skip weed cloth which can disintegrate into the soil and be slightly toxic. Instead, use 6 sheets of recycled newspaper, some shredded leaves or straw, and some old coffee grounds to keep weeds at bay. Simply punch holes in the newspaper where you want your plants to be able to grow. The layers will keep the weeds out and also restore the soil when they decompose. You’ll also grow bigger plantswith the moisture retention this method provides.
About Christina Sarich:
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Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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