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McDonald’s Sales Rapidly Decline As Americans Reject Fake Food

McDonald’s Sales Rapidly Decline As Americans Reject Fake Food
Fast food ingredients catch up to juggernauts
The impossible is happening: McDonald’s is quickly diving out of its stable stock position and into a world of financial hurt as citizens of the United States and elsewhere have decided they are completely done with the company’s frankenfoods.


The decision has hit McDonald’s so hard that its own CEO has even stepped downfollowing the news of continued decline in the company’s most recent briefing. The world’s largest restaurant chain is frantically replacing its foundation in an attempt to recover, from removing its CFO and CEO to launching a new ‘trendy’ advertising campaignthat premiered at the Super Bowl.

All the new financial and marketing moves in the world, though, cannot change the fact that many people simply will never eat at McDonald’s again thanks to their GMO-laden fast food ingredients — which have been extensively documented by both health organizations and mainstream media alike. With many items containing over 19 different ingredientsthat are virtually impossible to pronounce and are also used in the production of silly putty and yoga mats, it’s no wonder consumers are saying ‘no thanks’ to Ronald McDonald.

Here’s just a few of the ingredients you can findin many fast food meals:

Dimethylpolysiloxane – A chemical known for its use in silicone breast implants, silly putty, and also… chicken nuggets Propylene glycol – A laxative chemical and electronic cigarette filler that even e-cigarette companies are beginning to phase out Azodicarbonamide – A chemical used in the creation of foamed plastic items like yoga mats

Sounds appetizing, doesn’t it?

And let’s be clear, it would be one thing if McDonald’s offered a variety of items that didn’t contain these problematic substances. And it would be one thing if they, following the outspoken warnings of experts and health groups around the globe, actually removed them and sourced non-GMO alternatives for their food products and added real food instead. Or spoke out and made sure not to financially support the factory chicken farms that whistleblowers have revealedrevolve around not allowing the chickens to ever breathe fresh air and forcing them to sit upon generations of feces and blood.

So is it any wonder that McDonald’s is facing some serious trouble? Will removing the frankenfoods from their menu be their only option? According to Business Insider, ‘McDonald’s Is Losing America’:

“On Monday, McDonald’s reportedglobal same-store sales that declined 2.2% month on month. This missed analysts’ expectations for a 1.7% decline. In the US, the story was even worse for the fast-food giant as same-store sales fell 4.6%.

The disappointing numbers from McDonald’s come as the chain faces increasing competition from restaurants like Chipotle. Last week we notedthat even the Federal Reserve’s fieldwork on the US economy showed the consumer shift toward outlets like Chipotle and away from chains like McDonald’s.”

About Anthony Gucciardi:
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Anthony is a natural health and human empowerment writer, speaker, and entrepreneur whose writings have appeared in #1 USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling books and top 100 websites. After overcoming Lyme Disease and nerve-related facial paralysis, Anthony's work now reaches several million readers per month through his highly prolific group of social media pages and websites. Focused on self-development techniques and living a healthy lifestyle, Anthony currently sits on the Advisory Board to Natural Society in addition to managing and directing several other companies dedicated to enhancing social good. Anthony's work routinely appears on both alternative and established websites and television programs alike, including Drudge Report, Thom Hartmann, Simple Reminders, RT, Infowars, Michael Savage, Gaiam TV, and many others.

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