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Protect your teenager from pesticide exposure to safeguard his fertility later in life!

Protect your teenager from pesticide exposure to safeguard his fertility later in life!

Study finds pesticide exposure in teenagers may lead to damaged sperms!

Blood samples taken at age 14 were available for 33 of the men included in the study. In addition to measuring the amount of organochlorine pesticides in the blood samples, the team used a sperm imaging method devised by Perry’s lab to detect sperm disomy, a condition in which sperm cells have an abnormal number of chromosomes.  The team found that men with higher levels of the DDT metabolite and PCBs, both as adults and at age 14, had significantly higher rates of sperm disomy.  (Read: 17 things that affect your sperm)

Organochlorine pesticides such as DDT were used extensively through the 1960s and are now banned in the US. However, they are still used in some tropical countries and even in places that do not use them anymore, these chemicals still linger in the soil and water. People can be exposed to these pollutants by eating a diet with lots of meat, dairy and fatty fish. The study appeared in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. (Read: 9 interesting facts about sperms you didn’t know)

Source: IANS

Photo source: Getty images

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