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Health Benefits of Aloe Vera: Grow Your Own Medicine

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera: Grow Your Own Medicine
It’s believed the plant we know today as aloe vera first came from Northern Africa.

aloeIt’s believed the plant we know today as aloe vera first came from Northern Africa. The first known documentation of its medicinal use was in the ancient Egyptian Papyrus ebers, which provided twelve different recipes for aloe healing. Since then, the succulent plant has been used across the globe as both an ornamental plant, and more importantly, as a healing medicine. Today, we know the health benefits of aloe vera to range far and wide, from reducing wrinkles to soothing burns.

Aloe vera is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. It requires little in the way of care—simply an occasional watering, warm conditions, and (depending on who you ask) a bit of fertilization now and then. And with this easily grown plant in your home, you are opening yourself to a wealth of medicinal uses. For many, the path to herbalism at home begins with the aloe plant.

The plant has thick, gel-filled leaves which can be easily harvested. Simply slice open one of the leaves and scrape or squeeze out the gel for any one of the following benefits:

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera: Topically Soothes burns (one of the best home remedies for sunburns) Heals wounds Calming acne and eczema Use it to calm rashes, boils, and other skin afflictions Anti-itching for bug bites Use it to reduce wrinkles Condition hair using it as a shampoo (may possibly even prevent baldness) Use it to moisturize skin Apply as a shave gel
Health Benefits of Aloe Vera: Taken Internally Soothe stomach upsets and digestive disorders like IBS, constipation, bloating, and colitis Reduce indigestion and heartburn Use it to stabilizes blood sugar Promotes healthy gums Improves the body’s immune function Promotes the growth of white blood cells and healthy cells in cancer patients Strengthens the heart and enriches the blood Encourages urinary health Reduces arthritis inflammation

You don’t have to look far for new studies coming out about additional benefits of this plant. While you can purchase the juice at health food stores, homegrown gel is not only cheaper, it might be safer. It’s recommended that you use the largest and most mature leaves to get the most benefits. These leaves are said to contain a greater concentration of helpful gel.

Turn away from pharmaceutical treatment and experience the many benefits of aloe vera today!

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