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Herbal Remedies for Headaches | Lemongrass, Tea, and More

Herbal Remedies for Headaches | Lemongrass, Tea, and More
Australian researchers have found that their native lemongrass variety rests among herbal remedies for headaches , and has great potential in treating headaches or even migraines.

herbal remedies for headaches with lemongrass

, and has great potential in treating headaches or even migraines. According to Science Alert, the study, from Griffith University, was published in the most recent edition of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine and was a culmination of five years worth of work.

Lemongrass Among Herbal Remedies for Headaches

The scientists found that Australian Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon Ambiguus) has been used for an untold number of years by indigenous Australians as traditional medicine, and with good reason. They say the effects of the plant could be as “good as aspirin when it comes to treating headaches,” only this is one of many herbal remedies for headaches without the side-effects associated with OTC medication.

Researchers tested plant extracts on human blood platelets and examined their effects.

“Headaches and migraines cause abnormal activities in our bodies, such as altering our serotonin levels and interfering with the normal function of our blood platelets,” said Dr. Darren Grice. We tested extracts of the plant on human blood platelets and one fraction showed strong biological activity. It was caused by the compound eugenol in the native lemongrass plant, which is a significant find as the compound showed similar activity to aspirin.”

Lemongrass has long been used in traditional medicine, often brewed as a tea. But, this grass has 55 different species, with the study focusing on one very specific species, Cymbopogon Ambiguus. Other varieties of lemongrass likely have similar medicinal properties, however.

While lemongrass is among herbal remedies for headaches, the other known potential benefits of lemongrass include: digestive distress relief from gas, vomiting, diarrhea and potential general pain relief as well. Topically, the oil from lemongrass is considered an astringent and also an insect repellant. There has even been research from the University of Wisconsinsuggesting lemongrass oil can reduce cholesterol levels.

Lemongrass tea is easy to make. Cut away the green leaves from a lemongrass stalk and slice what’s left of the light green and white center. Pour boiling water over the top and allow to steep for five minutes. Then, add honey if you like and serve. Fresh ginger also goes great in this tea not only for taste, but the benefits of gingerare also extremely helpful for overall health.

Cymbopogon Ambiguus can be grown in warmer clients. Otherwise, other forms of lemongrass are widely found across the United States and are very easy to grow and maintain. Just know what you are getting into—this plant can grow to be very large and take over a small area very quickly.

“Nature’s medicines hold enormous potential to cure health problems and traditional medicines are a good source of good leads for new scientific discovery,” says Dr. Grice.

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