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Genetically modified mosquitoes to fight dengue!

Genetically modified mosquitoes to fight dengue!

The world’s largest ever swarm of genetically modified mosquitoes has been released in a Brazilian town to combat dengue -- a leading cause of illness and fatality in the South American country, the

‘We need to provide alternatives because the system we have now in Brazil doesn’t work,’ Global Post quoted Aldo Malavasi, president of Moscamed, a Brazilian company that’s raising and testing the GM mosquitoes in Jacobina, as saying. ‘We have thousands and thousands of cases of dengue and that costs a lot for the country. People are unable to work.’ Last year, Brazil reported 1.4 million cases of dengue, which is endemic in three of the 12 host cities for this summer’s World Cup. There is no vaccine. The most severe form of the illness, dengue hemorrhagic fever, can lead to shock, coma and death, Global Post reported. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), there has been a 30-fold increase in dengue cases around the globe during the last 50 years.


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