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How the ancient Indian practice of feeding gold to infants can improve their health

How the ancient Indian practice of feeding gold to infants can improve their health
In Ayurveda, swarna prashana or the practice of feeding gold to infants is known to have many benefits.

In Ayurveda, swarna prashana or the practice of feeding gold to infants is known to have many benefits. Read to find out more.

The technique
Traditionally, swarna bhasma or raw gold is rubbed on a washed stone with a little quantity of water. It is then churned with honey and ghrita or ghee before it is given to the child for licking. In some places, swarna bhasma is given to infants along with herbs like vacha churna (Acorus calamus), and brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri). You must also pass on these healthy habits to your kids.

Administering swarna bhasma or raw gold in very minute quantities in children is known to boost the disease-fighting capacity in children. It is also known to prevent frequent recurrent infections, asthmaand other allergic conditions. It also helps improve memory, attention span, concentration and learning ability. The child is said to remain unaffected by any infective diseases and become more intelligent if swarna prashana is done regularly for a month. If taken for six months regularly, then the child will have excellent grasping power, improved speech, hearing and visual acuity. These superfoods will also help boost immunity in children.

The pediatric dose of swarna bhasma from infancy to 5-year-old is 1- 3 mg per day. The gold concoction should be had early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Side effects
Gold is known to be extremely biocompatible and does not interfere with the physiology of human body. Therefore, it is not said to have any side effects.

Please note: It is extremely important to check with your doctor before you feed your newborn anything apart from breast milk. The views here are held by the expert and not in any way endorsed by TheHealthSite.com

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