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Is your kid one of the 50% Indian children who blindly trust strangers on-line?

Is your kid one of the 50% Indian children who blindly trust strangers on-line?

Over 50 percent Indian children admit to meeting or wanting to meet a stranger they first met online, a new study by US-based Intel Security Group showed. The study, named Teens, Tweens and Technology

‘This concern is warranted given that 44 percent children polled would meet or have met someone in person that they first met online,’ the study said. ‘As with every edition of our Teens, Tweens and Technology survey, this year too, we see some concerning issues being raised. In analysing the responses of both parents and children, what is evident is that there are a lot more open conversations and disclosures between them,’ Melanie Duca, Asia Pacific consumer marketing director, Intel Security, said. ‘While there are open conversations, work is required on ensuring that these go beyond casual chats. It is imperative to focus on ensuring children understand the consequences of their actions as well as agree on good internet etiquette,’ she added. (Read: How to prevent child sex abuse – tips for parents)

According to the study, the most discussed topics between parents and children are cyber criminals and identity theft (71 percent), privacy settings (62 percent), cyberbullying (57 percent), online reputation (53 percent) or popularity among friends (52 percent). Additionally, a surprisingly low number (17 percent) of parents are interested in finding out if their children are interacting with strangers online. ‘This indicates that while parents believe that interacting with strangers online may be risky, this knowledge has not translated into remedial action,’ the study said. (Read: Use a secret password to keep your daughter safe!)

Source: IANS

Photo source: Getty images

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