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Merudanda mudra– A yoga mudra to relieve stress and help you relax

Merudanda mudra– A yoga mudra to relieve stress and help you relax
Practising this mudra can calm you down in minutes.

Practising this mudra can calm you down in minutes. Try it out.

Benefits of merudanda mudra

Meradanda mudra will help calm your mind especially when you are stressed. This mudra causes the thymus gland to release beneficial hormones that release stress from the body. It also helps remove restlessness from the mind and helps you become more aware and improve focus and concentration. The deep breathing also helps expand your lungs and purifies the blood. You can detox your body with this simple yoga mudra.

Steps to perform:

Sit in sukhasana or the easy pose. Close your eyes and relax. Keep your spine erect and rest your hands on your thighs. Make sure that your palms are facing down Bend your fingers inside curling your fingers into fists such that your thumbs extend towards each other. Take slow deep breaths and hold the position 8-10 breaths. Make sure you are focussing on your breath. Then roll your thumb upwards facing the sky and hold for 8-10 breaths. Finally move your thumb out to the sides and take eight slow, deep breaths. This can be an excellent way to bring awareness to your breath. You can perform the mudra any time of the day and even before or after practising other yoga asanas.

Keep in mind:

Never practice this mudra on a full stomach. Discontinue this mudra in case of any discomfort or pain. Avoid performing this mudra if you have a heart diseaseor high blood pressure.

Read this in Hindi.

Image source: Shutterstock Images

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