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Signs that you are having a panic attack and how to deal with it

Signs that you are having a panic attack and how to deal with it
If you're suffering from a sudden and unexpected anxiety attack, here's how you can cope with it.

Not many people know what it’s like living with an anxietydisorder and the impact it can have on one’s day-to-day life. The sad truth is that consciously or unconsciously, we tend to downplay a panic attackby using the term in our daily conversations without realising how gut-wrenchingly terrifying it can actually be.

Phrases like, ‘I freaked out and had a panic attack’ while talking about being merely surprised doesn’t make it any easier for someone to know whether what they are experiencing is actually a panic attack or not. So the big question is, when you’re suffering from an anxiety disorder and you are prone to panic attacks, how do you know it is happening for sure? And most importantly, how can you deal with it?

Dr Yusuf Matcheswalla, a psychiatrist with Mumbai’s Masina hospital says, ‘During a panic attack, the individual is completely unaware about why they are experiencing such intense fear all of a sudden. A panic attack can last for as long as 30 minutes in some cases.’ It is usually triggered either when the person is in an extremely crowded place, while travelling, or even while they are indoors in a small place.

When your body goes into the panic mode, you will soon start experiencing the physical symptoms of anxiety. ‘The individual starts believing that he is suffering from a heart attack and experiences symptoms like chest pain, breathlessness, dizziness and he will even start sweating profusely,’ says Dr Matcheswalla.

‘He will get the urge to escape from the situation and might even insist that he needs to be taken to a hospital to see a cardiologist immediately due to his increased heart rate,’ he adds. When you go into this mode where you believe that something terrible will happen, it escalates the initial panic that you were experiencing in to a full-blown panic attack. These are the types of foods that can help in dealing with anxiety.

How to cope with a panic attack

You can start by taking deep breaths and concentrate on your breathing. If you’re in a crowded room or place, find a quiet location and if someone is with you, let them know you are experiencing a panic attack and need to see a doctor. ‘If the person is reassured repeatedly that everything is fine and under control, it helps in reducing the symptoms of the panic attack. If the symptoms aren’t subsiding, go see a doctor and undergo the tests required just to reassure yourself that you’re fine and not having a heart attack,’ says Dr Matcheswalla. Here’s how to help someone having a panic attack.

Remind yourself that you’re not going to die and what you’re experiencing is only temporary and continue taking deep breaths. Once you have figured out that you experienced a panic attack, don’t hesitate to consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.

‘ Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), anti-depressants and other medications can prevent future panic attacks and keep an anxiety disorder under control,’ he adds. These are the 5 ways anxiety could ruin your health in the long run.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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