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First aid for electric shock — Here’s what you should do

First aid for electric shock — Here’s what you should do
Dr Pradeep Shah tells you what you should if someone has got an electric shock.

Here’s what you have to do when a person gets an electric shock.

Before you rush to help, carefully look around for any dangers as electricity can be quickly passed through water or any conducting material like iron. Call the emergency helpline immediately for help. Second, try to separate the person from the current source. You can turn off the power or unplug the device. If you can’t do so, stand on a dry and non-conducting material like wooden stool and try to separate the person using a wooden stick. Never touch the person with bare hands or you could also receive a shock. After removing the person from an electric source, place the person in a recovery position. In this, roll the person on a side with his arm supporting the head. Bend his knee at an angle and lift the chin to check if the person is breathing. If the person is breathing but has minor burns, then wash it under tap water. Never cover the person in a blanket as loose fibres from the blanket might stick to the burns. Here’s more on first aid for burn injuries. If bleeding, control the blood loss by placing a dry, clean cloth on the wound and apply direct pressure to stop bleeding. Start with CPR ( Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) if the person shows no signs of breathing, movement or coughing. Never do a CPR if the person is breathing. Here is a step-by-step guide for CPR.

Keep in the mind that a person injured by an electric shock needs urgent medical attention, even if the person seems to be perfectly alright after the incident. The doctor might check the person for burns, fracturesand any other injuries and if needed, might recommend a series of tests like ECG, blood test, CT scan or MRI.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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