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Breaking News: New York Moves Forward with GMO Labeling Bills

Breaking News: New York Moves Forward with GMO Labeling Bills
Will it be the next state to pass?


Great news for New Yorkers who want to knowif their food contains genetically modified organisms. ‪#‎GMO‬ label Bill A.617 just successfully voted out of Assembly Consumer Affairs & Protection Committee in a 9 to 6 vote, and now it needs to make it through a Codes Committee.

Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal of Manhattan sponsored A00617, and State Senator Ken LaValle of Suffolk sponsored S00485for mandatory GMO labeling in New York. Make sure you thank them, first and foremost.

New York residents can take further action to keep this positive momentum going, and they should. The room was filled with Big Ag and Biotech special interests and the NY Farm Bureau, all lobbyists who would like to keep GMOs from being labeled. Aside from the assemblymembers themselves, there were only five NY GMO Labeling Coalition representatives to counter Big Food talking points, but chair Dinowitz apparently did a stand up job rebutting biotech claims.

If you live in New York, please CALL & EMAIL your Assemblymember and your State Senator today . Let them know that you demand mandatory labeling of GMOs, and urge them to sponsor their respective bills to pass GMO labeling this year. If your representative is already a co-sponsor, let them know that you support this important stand they are taking against companies like Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and Syngenta.

Read: Bill Demanding GMO Labeling Introduced in Rhode Island

To check to see if your Assemblymember has co-sponsored Bill A00617, check this link.

You can also visit righttoknnow-gmo.orgto join thousands of other New Yorkers who want and end to biotech meddling in our food supply.

To help New York require food makers to label all GM food, you can also visit this site.

Will New York be the next state to label GMOs? Arizona, Massachusetts, Indiana, California, Rhode Island, and numerous other states are working hard to pass GMO labeling initiatives. With more states joining the line up and eventually passing GMO labeling measures, we come closer to instituting a nation-wide GMO labeling law.

About Christina Sarich:
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Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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