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Colloidal Silver Benefits: The Truth About Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver Benefits: The Truth About Colloidal Silver
Have you heard of a ‘miracle’ product known as colloidal silver?

water dropletHave you heard of a ‘miracle’ product known as colloidal silver? The basic reason for any colloidal silver efficacy and safety controversy is that the medical establishment (medical mafia) and the pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma) see colloidal silver as a financial threat. While you may have been cautioned against using colloidal silver, know that colloidal silver benefits are tried and true.

Both the medical establishment and Big Pharma have put silver medical products to work in hospital equipment and medical tools as well as anti-infection burn remedies to prevent MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infections, which are potentially lethal and have become antibiotic resistant.

Yet the medical establishment promotes fear mongering lies through various media outlets and threatenscolloidal silver manufacturers through various federal, state, and local health agencies.

The difference between their medical products and colloidal silver is patent rights that yield royalties for several years. Colloidal silver can be made by anyone with inexpensive equipment and it can’t be patented.

As of January 2009, the EU has banned colloidal silver manufacturing in its European member nations. Whenever Codex Alimentariusgets “harmony” compliance from the USA, the same will happen here.

So now is the right time to stock up and try it yourself or buy a kit permitting you to make it yourself indefinitely.

How Colloidal Silver (CS)Works and Colloidal Silver Benefits

Many consider colloidal silver an antiseptic and not an antibiotic because it kills more than bacteria; it destroys viruses and eliminates fungal infections. So far, bacteria that are resistant to silver haven’t developed, while colloidal silver can destroy antibiotic-resistant pathogens, even the dreaded MRSA.

As a matter of fact, now the medical mafia has been covertly adding colloidalsilver into antibiotics to conquer the super-bug strains that have developed immunity to those antibiotics. I say covertly because they aren’t talking too much about it!

Keep in mind that while antibiotics don’t touch viruses and fungus’s, colloidal silver eliminates them – making colloidal silver benefits incredibly useful. It eliminates anaerobic pathogens by destroying the enzymes that fend off oxygen molecules, thus oxidizing them to death.

Conversely, the silver nano-particles neutralize the minority of aerobic pathogens by disrupting their ability to use oxygen. This begs the question: will colloidal silver destroy friendly gut bacteria the way pharmaceutical antibiotics do? Some colloidal silver advocates claim it is so readily assimilated into the blood through the stomach and gut linings before it can linger in the lower intestines where our friendly bacteria mostly reside. Therefore,  it isn’t an issue.

Others consider electrical charge bonding as the main factor for eliminating pathogens while sparing gut friendly bacteria. Most friendly bacteria are not negatively charged, eliminating any attraction to the positively charged silver particles.

However, a couple of key colloidal advocates, one from whom I purchased my colloidal silver making machine, don’t think that the intestinal flora issue has been clearly established. They recommend the following:

Have probiotic materials on hand and use them an hour or more after ingesting colloidal silver. Swish and hold a dose of colloidal silver in your mouth to absorb most of the particles sublingually into the bloodstream through the capillaries under and around your tongue as long as possible before swallowing. Nebulizethe colloidal silver solution, making it go directly into your bloodstream via the lungs blood vessels.

As magnetic scavengers, they don’t have to collide into pathogens by chance the way antibiotics do. Because the tiny colloidal silver particles (colloids) have strong positive charges, they are attracted to or attract negatively charged microbes, including viruses.

How It’s Made

A colloidal silver solution is made from a small electrical current applied to silver strips placed in distilled water. After some time, the distilled water becomes flooded with tiny nanoparticles of silver.

The liquid itself should be clear, and it’s important that it be shielded from sunlight exposure. As the nanoparticles get oxidized from light exposure and they settle out of solution, coloration occurs.

Since colloidal silver may become banned someday, because it’s so effective and safe, it would be wise to purchase the apparatus for making your own to protect you from epidemics, whether incidental or created. Its cost makes future colloidal silver use very cost-effective .

Here a site I have personally usedfor reasonably priced silver or gold colloidal products and a silver colloidal machine.

Big Pharma’s Colloidal Silver Bad Press

The blue grandpa “smurf” photosof Paul Karason’s Argyria (an almost permanent blue skin disease) has made the mainstream media rounds for anti colloidal silver propagandists.

What isn’t mentioned is that Paul made his own crude large particle colloidal silver and drank at least a pint and up to quart a day for years! The normal dosage is a teaspoonful one to three times daily, depending on the severity of infection.

Another disinformation meme is that the silver accumulates in the kidneys and creates a toxic situation. This would only happen if the kidneys are already defective, and even then accumulation factor has not been actually established or proven.

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