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Breaking Update: 13,000 Contested Ballots for GMO Labeling Measure in Oregon

Breaking Update: 13,000 Contested Ballots for GMO Labeling Measure in Oregon
GMO Labeling Bill Still Alive
Numerous media outlets have are reporting that the GMO labeling efforts in Oregon and Colorado have both failed.

gmo labeling oregon sign

Numerous media outlets have are reporting that the GMO labeling efforts in Oregon and Colorado have both failed. Though while the Colorado initiative did in fact fail with only 34.29% support, the Oregon measure is actually still alive. That’s right, through 13,000 contested votes and 15,000 uncounted, the GMO labeling measure in Oregon still has a chance.

Oregon’s GMO labeling Measure 92was originally reported defeated thanks to Monsanto’s onslaught of more than $22 million dollars in negative ads . But contrary to these reports, it isn’t quite over. Right now about 6,000 votes separate us from winning Yes on 92 !

Oregon Secretary of State’s office recently reported that that there were 13,000 contested ballots outstanding that we now have a chance to chase down to find out how the voter intended to vote.

Monsanto may have spent 10’s of millions to shut down this GMO labeling measure as they have done for so many other GMO labeling bills, but as the biotech giant is learning – we are not making it easy for our food rights to be crushed. We may lose some battles, but we will not lose the war for our food freedom.

As of Monday, November 10 at 5:00 pm, according to the Secretary of State, the unofficial results of Measure 92 are:

No:      741,165           (50.22%)

Yes:     734,531           (49.78%)

6,634-vote difference

That’s right, approximately 6,500 votes separate us from winninganother key GMO labeling initiative in the US. We now have 4 days to capture the challenged ballots and hopefully call it a victory. On November 18th, all ballots will be certified .

Contribute today through Food Democracy Now to help support the measure before it’s too late. Show Monsanto that even tens of million in advertising can’t sway us.

Read: Monsanto Losing Millions as GMO Labeling Push Grows


About Mike Barrett:
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Mike is the co-founder, editor, and researcher behind Natural Society. Studying the work of top natural health activists, and writing special reports for top 10 alternative health websites, Mike has written hundreds of articles and pages on how to obtain optimum wellness through natural health.

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