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Rampant: Monsanto’s RoundUp Causing Deformities, Infertility

Rampant: Monsanto’s RoundUp Causing Deformities, Infertility
In January of this year, Natural Society reported on a Danish farmer’s plea for other keepers of livestock to stop giving their pigs, cattle, and other animals GMO feed because it was causing serious deformities.

glyphosate pesticideson a Danish farmer’s plea for other keepers of livestock to stop giving their pigs, cattle, and other animals GMO feed because it was causing serious deformities. This and other stories about the toxic effects of Monsanto’s GMOs and favorite herbicide have become viral news. Will these first-hand accounts of animal deaths, human reproductive failure, and other scientific evidence finally create the tipping point for glyphosate’s demise?

Originally, the Danish farmer used feed containing no GM ingredients, but after running out, he ordered two tons of GM soy feed.  Herdsman, taking care of his piglets, reported serious issues with his animals shortly thereafter. They showed a lack of appetite and had diarrhea, but the farmer. The herdsmen were not aware he had switched.

Shortly thereafter, he began to notice an astronomical rate of malformed piglets in his stock, and the mother piglets began to have problems with their reproductive systems.

He decided to bring 38 piglets to a laboratory to see what was causing the problem. German and Egypt Veterinarian doctors using ELISAtesting found high levels of glyphosate in the piglets blood, due of course to eating RoundUp Ready GM soy feed.

That research became published as “ Detection of Glyphosate in Malformed Piglets” in April by open access journal Environmental & Analytical Toxicology .

All organs and tissues of the euthanized one day-old piglets contained glyphosate . Highest concentrations of glyphosate were found in the lungs, followed by the hearts. Lowest concentrations were found in muscle tissues. They noticed that the rate of malformations increased to one out of every 260 piglets born of sow when feeds contained 0.87-1.13 ppm glyphosate during the first 40 days of pregnancy. If feed soy contained 0.25 ppm glyphosate, then one of 1,432 piglets was malformed.

This is especially alarming when considering the fact that multiple studies have found that glyphosate is in our blood, urine, and breast milk .

The researchers believed that the piglets were getting glyphosate poisoning through their mother’s placentas.

Accompanying this research are the studies that have proven male fertility is drastically altered due to glyphosate’s use throughout the agricultural landscape. Thepublished a study stating:

“A steep decline in human male sperm count concomitant with rise in testicular germ cell cancer, congenital malformations of the male reproductive tract and drop in serum testosterone levels, all pointing towards increasing exposure to glyphosate/Roundup herbicides during the past decades, now corroborated by lab findings.”

But let’s not leave women and children out. There is a continuing stack of evidence proving that babies absorb glyphosate through their mother’s wombs, and even their breast milk. A Russian study found that feeding hamsters GMO soy resulted in complete sterility after two or three generations.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the number of women between the ages of 15-44 experiencing infertility issues is on the rise. An increase in pre-term and low-birth-weight births are particularly noticeable.

So – aside from the superweeds, environmental pollution, and alarming increase in super ‘bugs’ which antibiotics can’t control, glyphosate is sterilizing entire generations. It’s time for its complete and utter eradication, along with all the other chemical poisons of the biotech industry.

About Christina Sarich:
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Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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