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Big Pharma Fails with Alzheimer’s While Coconut Oil Succeeds

Big Pharma Fails with Alzheimer’s While Coconut Oil Succeeds
A few years ago, Dr.

alzheimer's coconut oilA few years ago, Dr. Mary Newport’s discovery of using coconut oil to reverse her husbands advanced Alzheimer’s diseasemade a big splash in the alternative health media. Some of this splash managed to wet a few pages of the mainstream media (MSM), and Dr. Newport wrote a book about her discovery for hubby’s turn-around called Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure?: The Story of Ketones.

Meanwhile, others who were showing early signs of dementia or worse picked up the news with the same attitude Mary had, “what’s there to lose? Thus a movement toward using saturated fat coconut oil for dementia prevention and reversal was spawned with mostly successes.

Actually, the use of high saturated fat diets to create ketones was created by Johns Hopkins Medical Center in the 1920s. Ketones are processed easily to provide fuel for brain cells when carbohydrate metabolism fails within the brain. But a few decades later, the medical mafia decided that saturated fats are bad and cholesterol, especially LDL, the “bad cholesterol”, just had to go in order to prevent obesity and heart disease.

Well, the dogma caught on and the processed food industry had a field day promoting low or no fat foods, margarine, and unsaturated fat processed (hydrogenated) cooking and salad oils. Yet obesity and heart disease have skyrocketed beyond well beyond what they were before this madness had started.

Looks like this was the wrong theory after all. Frustratingly, even alternative health writers tend to still report how a food or supplement lowers cholesterol, sometimes to make people feel better about their food choices.

Read: Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease – A Sound Solution

Actual Scientific Facts

There have been three attempts since 2012 to create an effective and not too terribly toxic pharmaceutical solution to Alzheimer’s. They all failed, and even caused worsening conditions with an occasional death during testing.

Meanwhile, good ole’ coconut oil with it’s easily digested medium chain triglycerides (MCT), which convert to ketones for brain cell fuel when oxygen/carbohydrate metabolism fails, keeps on working for many.

The brain is comprised of mostly fats, the saturated kind. Cholesterol is needed to fuel neuron communication. It’s been discovered that high cholesterol blood level geriatric folks live longer without dementia than those whose cholesterol counts are higher. By the way, did you know that all cholesterol is the same?

It’s the tiny protein chylomicron (shell) carriers that are different to accommodate different structural and arterial repair purposes for your benefit, including helping manufacture vitamin D from the sun. This helps explain why statin drugs are so harmfuland promote heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Science-based types who like to refute natural health articles without investigating further can read MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff’s brilliant article about that herebefore commenting.

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