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Could This Key Legal Precedent Take Down Monsanto?

Could This Key Legal Precedent Take Down Monsanto?

Monsanto Image from http://whynotstudios.blogspot.com.

Will it take a civil wrongful death suit to take down the biotech giant Monsanto, or will it require a criminal murder trial? Under what legal circumstance would our corrupt governments be induced to reveal hidden studies that prove Monsanto knewthat glyphosate, Bt toxins, and GM seed would cause harm to humans all along?

Federal appeals courts have dismissed organic farmer’s lawsuits for crop contamination with genetically modified seed many times. The biotech bully devotes $10 million a year along with a staff of 75specifically to investigate and sue farmers who use their GM technology without paying royalties. But how can we effectively sue Monsanto when they have so completely infiltrated our government – from the US department of Agriculture to seats of our own Supreme Court?

Even our U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed a previous ruling last year that found organic growers had no reason to try to block Monsanto from suing them as the company had pledged it would not take them to court if biotech crops accidentally mix in with organics. Monsanto has already sued farmers (now) more than 145 times, and plans on suing the state of Vermont for enacting a GMO labeling law.

Will it require a mass of civil casesthat bypass the agricultural concerns like cross-pollination, which instead use scientific evidence to prove that Monsanto has knowingly harmed millions? Civil cases involve lawsuits that individual citizens bring against each other (or against corporations or insurance companies representing either individuals or businesses).

The company hasn’t just influenced the officialsof the U.S. government, either:

“ Government officials around the globe have been coerced, infiltrated, and paid off by the agricultural biotech giants. In Indonesia, Monsanto gave bribes and questionable payments to at least 140 officials, attempting to get their genetically modified (GM) cotton approved. In India, one official tampered with the report on Bt cotton to increase the yield figures to favor Monsanto. In Mexico, a senior government official allegedly threatened a University of California professor, implying “We know where your children go to school,” trying to get him not to publish incriminating evidence that would delay GM approvals. While most industry manipulation and political collusion is more subtle, none was more significant than that found at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”

Do we give up on taking down Monsanto directly, and sue the food companies that knowingly use GM seed which has been proven to harm human health? Is it too late?

A in the U.S. found that 50 percent of traditional corn seed, 50 percent of soy, and 83 percent of canola was contaminated with GM material.”

Will it take an animal cruelty trial to take Monsanto down? Perhaps the Danish farmer, Ib Borup Petersen would testify. He saw his piglets being born with numerous deformities due to giving his pigs GM feed.

Can we charge Monsanto and others with war-time crimes, like those held in Nuremberg, Germany, directly in violation of international law? Can we transcend the U.S. government completely and appeal to another body of justice? We are certainly in a full-fledged war defending our food sovereignty from corporate giants.

Certainly Hugh Grant, Monsanto’s CEO, deserves to be on trial. Others who should be tried are U.S. Congress members, White House Senior Staff members, Chief Domestic Policy Advisors, and others who have obstructed justice.

I’m open to ideas, as are the millions who have stood up to Monsantohoping to rid the planet of one of the biggest GM seed and herbicide producers in the world.

About Christina Sarich:
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Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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