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Olive Oil Could Help Fight Breast Cancer Naturally

Olive Oil Could Help Fight Breast Cancer Naturally
Olive oil has a rich and flavorful history that is interwoven with the story of mankind.

olive oilOlive oil has a rich and flavorful history that is interwoven with the story of mankind. The first use of the pitted fruit is thought to have begun in the southwest Mediterranean. Prized for its culinary and medicinal uses, olive oil is the center of much health research – the oil has even been shown to fight breast cancer naturally.

Spanish scientists have discovered that a little olive oil added to meals may ward off breast cancer  by inhibiting tumor growth and also destroying the actual tumor. This research joins volumes of other studies that have demonstrated olive oil’s ability to fight off heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes, reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and fight obesity.

Based off of the researchers findings, olive oil “thwarts the gene that drives the growth of breast cancer tumours, it switches off proteins that the cancer cells rely on in order to grow and multiply and it protects the DNA from damage that can lead to cancer.”

Previous research has indicated that the phytonutrient in olive oil reduces inflammation which decreases the risk of breast cancer.

With over 40,000 women dying of breast cancer in 2009, many are now using olive oil for healthreasons and making the switch to a healthy diet.

Ways to Use Olive Oil

Just adding as little as one teaspoon of olive oil to your diet each day can be incredibly beneficial. Olive oil can be a substitute for butter, drizzled on foods, and used as a salad dressing base. It is always best to purchase high-quality organic oilthat is free from pesticides.

Mediterranean Diet

In light of the mounting evidence regarding the health benefits of olive oil, many people are switching to the Mediterranean diet. This diet is rich in olive oil and is believed, by many, to be the healthiest diet in the world. The people of the Mediterranean coast have enjoyed this plant-based diet for thousands of years and remained a very strong, healthy population with long life spans.

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