25 Super Easy Tricks to De-Stress Right Now
25 Super Easy Tricks to De-Stress Right Now
Most people realize now that is isn’t just the chemical exposure, harmful ingredients in food, or even a lack of exercise that are leading contributors to illness and disease.
Most people realize now that is isn’t just the chemical exposure, harmful ingredients in food, or even a lack of exercise that are leading contributors to illness and disease. Those are hugely important factors, no doubt, but let us not forget about the other primary, silent killer – stress.
We all know we should lower our stress levels, but it isn’t always easy. Sometimes, though, knowing exactly how stress is affecting us can be highly motivating to take steps that will actually decrease stress in our lives. Truly, stress affects everything from our physical health or mental health, from mind to body. Stress can hasten the development of any illness, or could cause your hair to fall out years before it normally would. Check out this previous NaturalSociety post on how stress affects your mind and body; you may be surprised.
Whether de-stressing by spending time in nature, practicing yoga or tai chi, laughing more often, or by unplugging from our computers and smart phones for at least a few hours every day, lowering stress is imperative.
Here are 25 tricks to de-stress your brainright now:
1. Drop the sugar-laden snacks. 2. Peel an orange. Studies show the smell of citrus can help reduce stress. 3. Pick up a hobby you truly love doing, and do it. 4. Watch comedy movies. 5. Do anything you can to lessen your commute to work.About Mike Barrett: | |
Mike is the co-founder, editor, and researcher behind Natural Society. Studying the work of top natural health activists, and writing special reports for top 10 alternative health websites, Mike has written hundreds of articles and pages on how to obtain optimum wellness through natural health. |
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