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Black Cumin Oil: ‘One of the Most Important Oils for Your Health’

Black Cumin Oil: ‘One of the Most Important Oils for Your Health’
Popular in Middle Eastern cooking, black cumin ( Nigella sativa ) are amazingly healthful seeds native to south and southwest Asia.

black cumin) are amazingly healthful seeds native to south and southwest Asia. The prophet Mohammed is said to have claimed the seeds from this plant could cure nearly anything. The seeds were even found inside the tomb of Tutankhamen, and are mentioned in the Bible. The history of black cumin as a healer is undeniable, with popularity of the seeds slowly returning.

Black Cumin Benefits

Black cumin is often used as a spice, but can also be found pressed into an oil for supplemental usage. It is said to contain several beneficial components (over 100 chemical components, according to Natural News) like conjugated linoleic acid, tannins, and antioxidants. It also contains vitamins, protein, folic acid, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, stearic acid, and several other compounds yet to be identified.

Recently, in reporting for the Progressive Radio Network , Dr. Gary Null called black cumin oil “the single most important oil you can put in your system.” He went on to add that “Every time you take black cumin you are stimulating your immune system to fight on your behalf and increase natural killer cells.”

As such, black cumin is an amazing immune booster. Null says it has the power to treat diseases such as cancerand HIV. But more applicable to the majority of people, it can help ward off some of the most common illnesses and diseases.

Additional potential benefits of this age-old spice include:

Headache treatment Toothache treatment Strong hair and nails Improve respiratory function Reduced cold symptoms Increased breast milk production in nursing mothers Improved digestion Increases energy Treats digestive problems like gas, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids

Black cumin can be found in specialty stores, particularly health food stores and markets specializing in Middle Eastern cuisine. You can also find it online. Because there are substitutes for this spice, make sure you check product labels carefully.

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