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Hillary Clinton: Monsanto’s Next Poster Puppet

Hillary Clinton: Monsanto’s Next Poster Puppet
This isn't how to get votes
Conservative, liberal or independent – it makes no difference – when one of the nationally recognized presidential candidates for 2016 supports Monsanto, you know that democracy has failed in the United States.


Conservative, liberal or independent – it makes no difference – when one of the nationally recognized presidential candidates for 2016 supports Monsanto, you know that democracy has failed in the United States. I’m talking about Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is Monsanto’s next poster puppet. Why? She represents a demographicthat wants GMOs labeled. She represents ‘women’ who are, in large part, the people who buy groceries, take them home, and feed their families. She represents ‘democratsl ostensibly educated, liberal, and young – but she doesn’t represent me. That’s because she supports GMOs.

Hillary Rodham Clinton doesn’t represent the American people, either. Recently, she stated her desireto get industry representatives around a table to have an “intensive discussion” about “how the federal government could help biotechs with insurance against [financial] risk.”

That’s right – when the news comes out, and it will (WHO recently declaredchemicals like glyphosate ‘probably carcinogenic’) – she wants to make surethe pubic has no recourse against these eco-terrorism companies.

Clinton has also said:

“[GMO] seeds and products that have a proven track record.”

Perhaps she hasn’t read about farmer suicides in India, super weeds in the American Midwest, or Monsanto’s GM corn leading to organ failure.

Clinton is so transparently, obviously the next spokesperson for Monsanto and Big Biotech that it is almost painful to watch her speak. She ignores facts about killing our pollinating insects, ruining our soil, air, and water, and instead props up biotechcompanies with swill like this:

“I don’t want to see biotech companies or pharma companies moving out of our country simply because of some perceived tax disadvantage and potential tax advantage somewhere else.”

Oh Hillary, you’ve been paid well by biotech and pharma companies to do the dirty work of promoting their abhorrent agendas.? Maybe if you convince them to use different semantics, people will somehow decide to hate Monsanto and GM foods less?

She might as well recite, “I pledge allegiance to Monsanto and their dejected crew, under this republic, for which I cannot stand, etc.” After all, Hillary workedin the 1980’s at Rose Law Firm , which represented both Monsanto and Tyson Foods .

About Christina Sarich:
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Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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