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Report: 100% of Corn in These Popular Chips is ‘Completely GMO’

Report: 100% of Corn in These Popular Chips is ‘Completely GMO’
As well as a popular weed killer chemical
Bad news: Frito-Lays SunChips have just tested positive for weed killer and GMO ingredients.


The chips are marketed as a ‘healthy’ alternative to regular chips as a means to lessen the chance of developing heart disease, but if your dining on Round Up (glyphosate residues) and GM Bt toxins found in most genetically modified corn, then ‘healthy’ as Frito-Lay defines it takes on a new meaning.

Samples were sent to a lab by GmoFreeUSA.org. They used quantitative PCR test verification by DNA analysis only to find that 100% of the chips contained DNA sequences known to be present in insecticide-producing Bt and Roundup Ready corn, as well as traces of the active ingredient known as glyphostae, used in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Round Up.

That means BT toxins are inside your cells when you eat this product. It means you are eating a pesticide that has been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The glyphosate residue test was conducted by an accredited lab using the Specific LC/MS/MS testing method with a minimum detectable level of 0.02 ppm. This test proved the presence of glyphosate in SunChips at a level of 0.14 ppm, or 0.14 mg/kg. This is a significant enough level to cause concern, but really, any residue level at all, even in miniscule amounts, is linked to ill health.

Busted: Popular ‘Non-GMO’ Chips Contain 75% GMOs

Guess who owns Frito-Lay who makes SunChips? Pepsi-Co, one of the largest contributors to the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA), responsible for fighting GMO labeling in numerous states. They’ve donated millions to keep you from knowing this very information.

“… $13,166,299 million is an obscene amount of money to spend fighting transparency and it makes you wonder what Pepsi is trying to hide. NOW WE KNOW.”

Looks like Pepsi’s dirty secret has been left out in the sun.

About Christina Sarich:
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Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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