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Are Grapes Bad for Dogs?

If you ask, "Are grapes bad for dogs?"
The answer is, "Yes!"
Raisins (dried grapes) and grapes have a well documented toxicity in dogs.

Raisins (dried grapes) and grapes have a well documented toxicity in dogs. Though the particular substance responsible for the poisoning is yet to be known, it is unsafe for dogs to eat raisins and grapes due to the fact that the smallest amounts can be fatally poisonous for your dog. Any dog can be poisoned despite the age, gender and breed.

Why Are Grapes Bad for Dogs?

When it comes to the reason why raisins and grapes are poisonous for dogs, it is because raisins and grapes can cause kidney failure. The mechanism through which this kidney failure occurs after the consumption of raisins and grapes is yet to be unknown.

Potential agents that spell the dog's kidney's kismet, like common pesticides used for growing various fungi or grapes, have been considered less likely.

Whether they were home grown garden grapes or commercially grown, whether they are seedless or seeded (grape seed extract are, however, known to be quite safe for every species of dog). This means that the poisonous substance in all dogs must be something found in every grape, which is not yet known.

Symptoms of Grape Poisoning in Dogs

There are different symptoms associated with grape poisoning, some of them are:






Abdominal pain

Loss of appetite

Fluid cessation (Unable to drink water or urinate)



Kidney failure

Breathing difficulty

Death can equally occur, depending on the quantity ingested. The body must process and absorb the grapes, so death does not happen instantly-but time is essential. The sooner treatment is sought, the higher the chances of the dog recovering.

Treatments of Grape Poisoning in Dogs

This is an emergency situation that requires urgent treatment. If you are sure your dogs ate raisins or grapes, there will be urgent need to make your dog vomit without delays, before it absorbs the toxins in the fruit.

Try using a simple hydrogen peroxide solution to induce vomiting 1 tsp for every 5 pounds of body weight. Anything above 3 tsp must not be given at the same time. If the dog does not vomit in 10 minutes after you administered the first dose, always try again, and make sure you use the same quantity. You should avoid giving this method more than 3 times, and make sure you space them at 10 minutes intervals.

If your dog still didn't vomit after you administer the 3rd dose, do not administer another dose, or use any other thing in an attempt to induce vomiting. Avoid using anything that seems to be stronger than your hydrogen peroxide without the consent of your veterinarian, and don't induce vomiting unless you are 100% sure of what your dog consumed. If the dog vomits once, there will be no need trying to make him vomit more.

Also, avoid inducing vomiting if the dog is not conscious, have breathing problems, or exhibits some signs of shock or distress. Whether the dog vomits or not, once you give the initial care, make sure you take it to a veterinary centre immediately.

Activated charcoal can also be useful for the prevention of absorption of the toxins. Make sure you call your veterinary doctor immediately you learn that your dog has ingested any raisins or grapes to find out the quantity of activated charcoal to give your dog.

Don't forget that you still have to give your dog some medical care, since some dogs are known to be more sensitive than others and may require more intensive care, like a stomach wash as well as fluid therapy.

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