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Want a rocking sex life? Be kind and generous!

Want a rocking sex life?

Wonderful tip to keep your sex life rocking

According to the results, published in the British Journal of Psychology, even after controlling for age and personality, altruists — people unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others — were found to have greater success at dating and sex. ‘This study is the first to show that altruism may translate into real mating success in Western populations, that altruists have more mates than non-altruists,’ said Pat Barclay, a psychology professor, in a statement.

Lead author of the paper Steven Arnocky from Nipissing University said that altruism evolved in our species, in part, because it serves as a signal of other underlying desirable qualities, which helps individuals reproduce. ‘However, it is a more effective signal for men than for women,’ Barclay noted.

The findings support previous studies on food sharing by hunters, which found that men who hunt and share meat enjoy greater reproductive success.

Source: IANS

Image source: shutterstock

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