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Tips to store medicines safely at home

Tips to store medicines safely at home
Do you store your medicines in the bathroom or in the kitchen?

Do you store your medicines in the bathroom or in the kitchen? You are making a big mistake. Read to find out why.

Where do your store your medicines? In a small cabinet in the bathroom, next to the spice rack in your kitchen or in a first aid box with other medicines in a cupboard? Where you keep your medicines has a direct impact on their effectiveness. For starters, Dr Ratan Kumar Vaish, Director and Chief Physician, Astha Multispecialty Centre, Delhi & Bhopal, says that everyone must strictly follow the rule of storing medicines away from direct sunlight.

You must also make sure that all your medicines are stored in a cool and dry place. Which means you should avoid storing them in bathroom cabinets, on shelves or cupboards against damp walls or in the kitchen, especially near stoves or taps. Dr Vaish explains that all allopathic medicines are chemicals and when chemicals come in contact with moisture or sunlight, they undergo a chemical reaction which makes them ineffective as they lose their medicinal properties. The medicine can either react with moisture or sunlight or the components of the medicine might react with each other unfavourably making them lose their medicinal value. As a result, you might have to increase the dosage. Increasing the dosage or eating medicines that have altered or lost properties can have serious side effects on the body.

So, where can you store your medicines? Dr Vaish says that the temperature of the place where medicines are stored should be less than 25 oC. If the temperature exceeds 25 oC, the medicines may not be effective. He also says that one should always read the storage instructions on the packaging and store the medicine accordingly. Here’s the correct way to store different types of medicines.

Syrups –Always keep them away from sunlight. Most syrups should be consumed within a week of opening the bottle. You must also remember to screw the cap tightly and immediately. Otherwise, there are high chances of bacteria, viruses, dirt and dust contaminating the syrup and render it useless. It could also change the medicinal properties because of exposure to moisture and air.

Reconstituted syrups –While using reconstituted syrup, you need to add water for the prescribed quantity before consuming it. Dr Vaish says that since most of us use plain water, it’s important to know that water has many impurities that can contaminate the syrup. While reconstituting, boil the water and cool it before adding it to the bottle. It is also important to note that this should not be stored for more than a week.

Tablets and capsules –Tablets and capsules should be kept in airtight boxes, in a cool and dry place and away from sunlight. You should never store them without their original packaging as that is the best defence against moisture. Also, you must avoid using wet or dirty hands while taking tablets and capsules. Many people use pill boxes that have compartments or a timetable printed on them to store tablets and capsules. There are many tips and tricks you can use to take medicines on timebut you must avoid using these boxes. Most medications are stored loose without their strips. Dr Vaish says that you should refrain from doing this as the medicines can react with each other which can make them ineffective.

Drops –Like all other medicines, drops should be stored at the correct temperature, away from sunlight and in a cool and dark place. However, you need to be careful while using them. The nozzle of the dropper should not come in contact with the eye, nose or ear and you should dispense the drop from a distance. If it comes in contact with your skin and you put it back in the bottle without cleaning or washing it, the entire medicine gets contaminated. Here’s the right way to use homeopathic medicines.

Vaccines and injectables– All vaccines and injectable medicines are to be stored in the refrigerator unless otherwise specified on the packaging. The temperature of the fridge, 2-8 oC, is ideal for storing vaccines. But note that you are not supposed to store them in the freezer or the vegetable section. The temperature of the freezer is way lower than the optimum temperature and that can damage the vaccine. If you store it in the vegetable section, where the temperature is high, it can damage the medicine. Make sure that the refrigerator is clean. Throw away stale food. Also, avoid touching the vaccines after you have touched food. Make sure your hands thoroughly clean before touching the medicines.

Insulin –Many people store insulin at room temperature. But note that like other injections, insulin, too, needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Image source: Shutterstock

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