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Fitness plan day 228 – Don’t eat less, eat right

Fitness plan day 228 – Don’t eat less, eat right
Don't stay hungry all day just because you want to lose weight.

Morning – Adding a new element every day keeps the fitness regime exciting. Switch to different kinds of healthy drinks every morning and you’ll not get bored. You can start your day with a few sips of apple cider vinegar. It is known to curb appetite, aid fat loss and increase absorption of minerals too.

Breakfast – There are several recipes of dosa that you can try for breakfast. The traditional dosa or rawa dosa are the first options that come to your mind. But have you tried the adai dosathat is a mix of different lentils? If not, try it today and it will be featured on the breakfast table regularly after this.

Lunch – Being on a diet doesn’t mean eating less. It means eating right. Enjoy a complete meal today with one roti, a small bowl of sabzi, one small katori dal and rice. Add some fresh salad or kachumber and wash it down with buttermilk. It will be a great change from the routine of eating just dal rice or roti sabzi.

Snacks – Munch on some carrot sticks during snack time. It cleans the palate and also gets your jaws working. Carrotsare also a great source vitamin A and is good for your skin too. They keep your teeth clean and improve eye health too.

Dinner – Chances are that you are feeling completely satisfied with the afternoon meal and don’t have much appetite for dinner. But you can’t sleep empty stomach. So enjoy a light dinner of mooli muthiasalong with tomato or green chutney. If you don’t have radish you can replace it with bottle gourd.


At home – Start with some cardio at home so that you can invest more time in other exercises at the gym. These 3 cardio exercisesare just appropriate for that. They improve your metabolic rate. Don’t forget your warm up and cool down stretches before and after this routine.

Yoga – The weather changes may lead to several viral infections. It is important to strengthen your immunity and you can do that with yoga. The parvatasana or mountain poseis great for strengthening muscles and detox too.

At the gym – Start with some cardio and then switch to weight training exercisesat the gym today. These exercises are excellent if you have a lot of flab on your back that you want to get rid of. These are excellent if you want a toned butt too.

Sleep well tip – Switch off your phone and other gadgets at least half an hour before you go to sleep. The blue light of your phone can interfere with your sleep so it is best switched off or kept away from the bed. Here’s why you should keep your phone switched off at night.

Fitness plan day 227

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Disclaimer: If you follow a fitness plan already, consult your nutritionist before switching to this one. If you are allergic to any of the foods/ingredients mentioned, please do not consume it. Do not follow this plan without consulting your doctor if you suffer from a health condition — hypertension, hypotension, diabetes, etc. or are pregnant.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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