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Expert tips to overcome speech impairment in autism

Expert tips to overcome speech impairment in autism
Expert Surabhi Verma shares inputs on how parents can help their autistic kids improve verbal and non-verbal communication.

Once a psychologist has made the diagnosis, parents should consider taking help from professionals to start with the interventions. To overcome speech impairment in autism, here are few points from our expert Ms Surabhi Verma, Director and Founder, Sparsh for Children, to be kept in mind -

Using speech generating devices or picture cues can help the child to understand and learn the art of speaking. Using these can encourage the development of speech in kids. Experts suggest that connecting pictures and words help the children to understand the things easily, helping in learning and speaking. Also, read about the latest treatment and therapies for autism. Another important approach to help children overcome speech impairment is gesture cues. To do so, the therapists or the parents touch the mouth with the fingers while saying an alphabet. For example, if you place the index finger in front of the lips and move it while saying ‘P’, the cue will help the children to give attention and understand how lips form a sound. It is a very good way to help children with autism to understand. Make sure that the child pays attention to it and imitates you. It is important to begin with a core vocabulary consisting of 10-20 words that family and doctors can select together. Make sure to choose words used daily — Mom, Dad, eat, go, run and other words. The child has to practice saying these words. At home, be sure to use these words in front of your child as she encounters a person, action or object throughout the day. Read more about can META-Health help your child?

At first, the child may need your help to say a word, but gradually, he will learn to say it independently. She will then be able to make a phrase, as the process continues. These goals sound easy but may take months of hard work by a trained speech therapist. Here are a few things you can try at home to help your autistic kid overcome speech impairment.

Pick the item your kid wants. Hold it close to your mouth and say the name of that item. For example, teddy bear. Repeat the name again and give the teddy bear to your child and ask him to do the same. The trick encourages the child to see your lip movements and associate it with the product he wants. Here’s everything you need to know about art-based therapy for autistic children. Offer a choice of two things to your child. Say the name of the items keeping them close to the mouth so that he can see the mouth movement and the items at the same time. For example, ask him if he wants a teddy bear or a toy train. If the child points at something, repeat your question again till he says what he wants. You can also use other common objects and play with your voice in a way that draws the attention of the kid. For example, use a roll of paper and speak into it in an entirely different voice. Notice if your child makes some noise or responds in return. Praise any effort he makes. Emphasise on the sound at the beginning or end of words. Your aim should be to get the attention of the child and make him imitate the same. Here a real life story of a mom of 3 autistic kids telling us why we need better awareness about autism.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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