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Be Patriotic: Return Your Cancer-Causing Roundup

Be Patriotic: Return Your Cancer-Causing Roundup
Send a message to Monsanto!


GMO Free USA has some advice for you this memorial weekend. Take your unused Roundup spray bottles and jugs back to the retailer who sold them to you, and tell them that carcinogenic chemicals aren’t patriotic.

After marching  against Monsanto, do something that actually hits the company in its pocket book – ask for your money back on it’s bes-selling herbicide. Tell Lowe’s or Home Depot, Ace Hardware, or any other hardware store that sold you Big Biotech’s carcinogenic chemicals (as described in a reportpresented by the World Health Organization) that patriots of the United States of America don’t sell people something that can cause gut disturbances, cancer, reproductive health issues, liver and kidney failure, autism, upper respiratory issues, and dozens of other health challenges.

The active ingredient in their product, glyphosate, is ruining life on planet Earth, and we shouldn’t have to PAY for that.

Monsanto’s glyphosate has been found in 75% of air and rain samples, so it isn’t just ‘hanging out’ with our plants. It doesn’t just magically disappear once it is sprayed on weeds in our gardens. In recent years, Roundup has been found to be even more toxic than when it was first approved for agricultural use, and now people across the US are waking up to the fact that Monsanto’s Roundup alters gut bacteria, leaches important mineralsfrom the soil (and thus our food and bodies), pollutes our water, and generally decimates healthy human cells.

Tell these companies who are selling Monsanto’s chemicals that you don’t want their poison in your home or garden, or tell them they should stop selling Roundup altogether , for the safety of their customers, their pets, the pollinators, and the environment. Be a true patriot.

About Christina Sarich:
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Christina Sarich is a humanitarian and freelance writer helping you to Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

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