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Natural Society Joins 60 Million Strong Petition Against GMOs

Natural Society Joins 60 Million Strong Petition Against GMOs
Initiative to stop GMOs from destroying our food supply
Natural Society has signed on to the profound Letter From America GMO Awareness Petition — an initiative to keep the biotech industry and its GMOs from destroying our food supply that has now received more than 60 million represented backers.


Joining signatories likeDaryl Hannah, Dr. Joseph Mercola,  Susan Sarandon, Frances Fisher, Deepak Chopra, Tommy Hilfiger, and Robert Kennedy Jr, we are excited to see that the movement towards GMO awareness is finally breaking through to the general public. Signing on behalf of Natural Society and its concerned readers, Anthony Gucciardi spoke to The Letter From America team on how we are seeing a transformation in GMO awareness:


And with this awareness comes the future reclamation of our GMO-ridden food supply around the planet. And as the Letter From America explains, we certainly are facing a global issue. As their website explains:

“The Letter from America is a unique citizen to citizen action and a plea from a continent that has been devastated GM farming and food not to make the mistakes it has made. The letter, which sheds a light on what our food future in the UK and the rest of Europe will be if we don’t change course, has been signed by NGOs, groups academics, scientists, farmers, food manufactures, and high profile individuals representing some 57 million Americans.”

We invite you to join us in taking a stand for your food supply in your own ways. By supporting key organizations that reveal the truth behind mega corporations like Monsanto and others, we are breaking through to millions worldwide — and this highly successful petition is yet another example of this.

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