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Video: Americans Think Monsanto Is A Carpet Cleaning Company

Video: Americans Think Monsanto Is A Carpet Cleaning Company
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After speaking at March Against Monsanto 2015 on the numerous ways Monsanto’s chemical and GMO creations threaten our health, I decided to ask nearby strangers if they had ever heard of Monsanto.


After speaking at March Against Monsanto 2015 on the numerous ways Monsanto’s chemical and GMO creations threaten our health, I decided to ask nearby strangers if they had ever heard of Monsanto. Amazingly, very few had ever heard of the company — and some thought that Monsanto was some kind of carpet cleaning company. Checkout the video of this below:

About Anthony Gucciardi:
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Anthony is a natural health and human empowerment writer, speaker, and entrepreneur whose writings have appeared in #1 USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling books and top 100 websites. After overcoming Lyme Disease and nerve-related facial paralysis, Anthony's work now reaches several million readers per month through his highly prolific group of social media pages and websites. Focused on self-development techniques and living a healthy lifestyle, Anthony currently sits on the Advisory Board to Natural Society in addition to managing and directing several other companies dedicated to enhancing social good. Anthony's work routinely appears on both alternative and established websites and television programs alike, including Drudge Report, Thom Hartmann, Simple Reminders, RT, Infowars, Michael Savage, Gaiam TV, and many others.

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